Automatic braking system

After the Anti-lock braking system (ABS) its time for a new ABS to hit town, that is the Automatic Braking System. Automatic Braking System gives the driver an amazing advantage while driving a vehicle. This system is controlled by a micro controller. The braking is done based on various inputs it receives from different sensors. The main job of the controller is to dictate the braking pressure that is requires to be applied so that the vehicle can be slowed down or stopped at the right instant and a mishap can be avoided.

It is certain that there are many advantages by using the Automatic Braking System. But the question is,
IS THE SYSTEM RELIABLE ?????? the whole circuit isbuilt up by electrical and electronic parts, if any one part fails then it will lead to a very dangerous situation like an accident. Where as then motive of launching a Automatic Braking System is to reduce accidents which are cause by Human negligence.

It obviously remains to be a question whether an Automatic Braking System is a right replacement for a manual braking system. I certainly would suggest that the vehicle should be incorporated with both Automatic Braking System and a manual braking system so that even if the Automatic Braking System fails he ll have an option of using manual braking system and can rectify the fault in the Automatic Braking System as soon as he can. I feel it would be wise to use the Automatic Braking System in the presence of a manual braking system so that we ll be able to study the braking system and can understand why the system is failing(if at all it fails!).


Game Poker said...

What necessary words... super, a brilliant phrase