Brisinger - third book of inheritence

The next Christopher Paolini book has been announced! The third book in the Inheritance series is titled Brisinger. The book is slated to release on September 20th 2008. The first book Eragon has already been made into a movie actually speaking the book is far far better and interesting than the movie. The second book Eldest is a marvelous one with many twist and turns and it has two stories running parallel. I badly hope the third one is a good one too.


Unknown said...

are u gonna buy it da??
i hv plans!

Kiran said...

i am also planning to buy da. badly want to get my hands on them da

Unknown said...

yeah da.. by that time evn coll wont be we aint got a source!

Kiran said...

thats very true but by that time it ll be released in net da and it ll be available in road side da

Srini said...

Check out

This site has a video on brisingr and can pre-order the book as well!